Posts Tagged ‘render’

new renderings

May 14, 2012

modelled in cinema4d
rendered in octane

some new stuff

June 4, 2010

the blob

some new 3D stuff

May 8, 2009

i’ve got Maxwell and now i’m busy watching tutorials and learning the new stuff.
A first Rendering can be seen here.


new renderings

March 18, 2009

i rendered that thin complete in the C4d AR.
And as soon as i find some time ip gonna challenge it with the Maxwell renderer.

6 hours for the whole thing.



damm, that tree sucks.

photo vs maxwell vs mentalray

December 9, 2008

i found a funny thread in the maxwell forum about a guy who built up a cornell box in rel life, took pictures and reproduced it in a Maxwell Rendersetup.
I have every of my Workstations rendering right now so it’s a perfect performance test to rebuild the thing in XSI.
Took me some more time but i came pretty close. And the rendertime is under 2 minutes at 1620x1013px.
1 Pointlicht, FG, GI, and Caustics.

My Mentalray Experiment


Jomaga’s Setup Photo and Maxwell

some new 3d stuff

October 21, 2008

i work on some crappy arch viz and just made a composition with the roughs of the first building.

some picts

May 16, 2008

selfportrait in Sarnen

My pet Ant….

Renderbreaks in the office 😛


February 21, 2008

whoa… i was so hard at work that morning..
rendering some stuff for a big machine-building company.
Now my other Mac is rendering some stuff and i work here on the Showreel of our Company.
I hope i can show that asap here.

In other news, i cleande um my whole appartement and my Sister put her furniture in there yesterday.
So it’s really packed there right now. Hope i can move on soon.

zoltan lives on

December 7, 2007

my ever-wip is going on. I worked on my very first head in XSI/SILO for months now (mostly cause i never find the time 😦 ) and i made the first render yesterday night. LowPoly made in XSI, tweaking, and sculpting/brushing in SILO..then refined teh Mesh (normal map tryouts gone horribly wrong) brought it back to XSI and made a simple Phong-AO-Shader and a Ski for the Light. FG and Mentalray made the rest. IF someone would help me with a good DoF Shader for XSI, i would be really happy. Some final work in Photoshop and here’s a pict.
Wires will come later.


some new caustics

October 23, 2007

i was stuck in the train again (as you should´ve guessed) and while sit in a dark train (it was in a tunnel)
i tweaked my xsi lightsetups in my testfile with a Glass i made in SILO and i let it render for a while.
After getting that one with the green background, i´ve decidet to try another thing with 2 cubes in tha background who block some of the light and of course creat caustics too.

it were about 5´000´000 caustics, FG and standart Phong shaders.
I will install the MIA shaders asap and start another session.


