Archive for December, 2007


December 29, 2007

i bought a pair of NIMH’s last week….now i’m breaking them in. I roll them with Sifika liners, GC Featherl’s and You are here wheels with vicious bearings. for the 3 Days i rolled them, they’re still a bit strange but start to feel better to me. I can’t feel much difference to my VALO’s (who i still love) except the NIMH Soulplate, who is a lot faster. Well..i think i skate them to death, support some money and rolltime to Shima and Elliots idea and then i’ll decide if i roll VALO’s or NIMH’s….overall i will decide on the future designs of each brand cause roll-wise they’re so close.



first picts with the Nikon D200

December 29, 2007

hey there, i was skating hard the last 2 days, but managed to shoot some tricks and faces. Here i present you my first shots with the Nikon D200.

Jerome making a Fish stall


Bernhard trying hard to do one too 😀


and a portrait of Bernhard


new stuff

December 27, 2007

so, after all that christmas stuff, and the whole family thing, i finally managed to write another post here.
Christmas was cool and funny/strange.
And now i’ve decided to give me some own christmas presents.
New Skates and a new Body for my Photographic desires.



x-Mas Battle Royale 2007

December 20, 2007

the french people already posted an edit.

X-mas edit

x-Mas Battle Royale rankings

December 17, 2007

i proudly present you the Winner of the x-mas-battle royale : Chris “fish” Nachbur from Amriswil, Switzerland. He’s one of the Rollerbladers who still can skate a decent Run and don’t turn every competition into a Best-trick, Spin-to-Win Contest. Congratulations Chris.Sadly i don’t have any pics of his Run, so i show you one from last Summer:

Royale 180 gap

fish450uq1.jpgon other News, Toe-bee didn’t visit the contest, but was there in the Evening to watch us building the Obstacles and stuff.


More news on

just another rendering

December 11, 2007

chairs….and a hint about how i see myself in our community (not that i’m too unhappy about that 😀 )

modeled in SILO , textures, lightsetup and rendering in Softimage XSI


X-Mas Battle Royale News

December 7, 2007

park.jpgwe present you some more obstacles that you will find in the SkateparkBe-Mag Linkmore news and informations on Rollingrock

zoltan lives on

December 7, 2007

my ever-wip is going on. I worked on my very first head in XSI/SILO for months now (mostly cause i never find the time 😦 ) and i made the first render yesterday night. LowPoly made in XSI, tweaking, and sculpting/brushing in SILO..then refined teh Mesh (normal map tryouts gone horribly wrong) brought it back to XSI and made a simple Phong-AO-Shader and a Ski for the Light. FG and Mentalray made the rest. IF someone would help me with a good DoF Shader for XSI, i would be really happy. Some final work in Photoshop and here’s a pict.
Wires will come later.


jon elliot..and others

December 6, 2007

wow.. pictures from me in the news

December 5, 2007

Spatenstich für neuen Skatepark


Visualisierung des geplanten Skater-Parks. (Bild:  

Nun hats doch noch geklappt: Auf dem Parkplatz Wijer in Sarnen kann ein 1000 Quadratmeter grosser Skatepark gebaut werden.Am Freitag war Spatenstich, am Mittwoch fahren die Baumaschinen auf, und nächsten Frühling soll der Park für Skater, Rollerblader und Biker eröffnet werden. Gegenüber der ursprünglich geplanten Version mussten wegen Finanzierungsschwierigkeiten Abstriche gemacht werden. Anstatt 450’000 Franken wird die neue Anlage 330’000 Franken kosten «Wir mussten etwas abspecken. Aber schön wird die Anlage auch so», sagt Gunter Dercourt, Co-Präsident des Vereins Skatepark ausführlichen Artikel lesen Sie am Samstag in der Neuen Obwaldner Zeitung.